Hacking the Body: The Future of Persuasive Technologies in IOMT
Katina Michael
University of Wollongong
The development of small wearables and tiny implantable devices that are tethered to mobile or desktop units have aided to realize the possibility of the Internet of Medical Things paradigm. This presentation will review the three P’s, pervasive diagnostics, personalized medicine and persuasive technology in the context of an end-to-end healthcare value chain. The future of IOMT is in the collection of discrete historical data and continuous real-time data incorporating not only static data like one’s DNA profile but real-time behavioral biometrics like one’s brain and heart activity. This presentation will emphasize the precautionary principle in considering the impact of IOMT on privacy and security. Notions of secondary use of personal data, retrospective use (e.g. in courts of law), bodily privacy, body hacking, and ‘death by Internet’ will be discussed. This presentation will be focused on raising awareness in biomedical device engineers of new end-user vulnerabilities posed by emerging devices within an uberveillance society for individual life sustainment and life enhancement.