September 27, 2016
Click for Link to Recording

Second Harmonic Generation:
Imaging and Quantification of Fibrosis
of the Kidney


October 11, 2016 - 8:00AM-4:00PM - NC Biotechnology Center
Click for More Information

Triangle Biotech Research Symposium
D3D: Data, Drugs, Diagnostics

Keynote Presenter:

Mathieu Petitjean.png

Li Chen, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Genesis Imaging Services

Mathieu Petitjean, Ph.D.
Genesis Imaging Services



Sandra Merkel DeJames, Ph.D.
Director, Commercial Strategy and Execution
Data in the Dawn of Precision Medicine


In this webinar...

Fibrosis is the thickening, scarring, or formation of excess connective tissue as a mechanism to repair tissue damage as a result of overuse or injury. Improved imaging techniques assist physicians in effectively treating fibrotic tissues, which occurs in multiple areas of the body.

Second Harmonic Generation is recognized as the ideal non-destructive optical technique to image collagen I and III in biological tissues. Recent technology and instrumentation breakthrough are making this technology more affordable, and compatible with mid-throughput screening. Tissue-specific and validated image analysis, segmentation and quantification software tools based on ‘machine-learning” algorithm are capable of generating robust and operator-independent quantitative fibrosis outcomes, ranging from collagen fiber morphometries to collagen area densities.

At this event...

This year’s theme- D3D: Data, Drugs, Diagnostics - provides a platform for exploring the remarkable opportunities impacted by new perspectives on data generation and analysis.

Returning for the fifth year, we’re convening scientists, engineers, and biomedical researchers from across the region to

share knowledge and find fresh relationships for partnering and collaboration. Since our first session in 2012, we have enjoyed the lively interplay, and the new friends and partnerships we have developed along the way.

D3D: Data, Drugs, Diagnostics Meetup
Better Research and Clinical Decision Making
February 17, 2016, Princeton University

D3D: Data, Drugs & Diagnostics
August 12, 2015 - BellWorks, Holmdel, NJ

D2D Summer Session
August 12, 2014
Rutgers, Piscataway, NJ