February 29, 8:30-11:30
101 Crawfords Corner Road
Holmdel, NJ 07733
It's that simple. Vi is providing the refreshments, so there is no fee but please register by Thursday, February 18 at 5pm.
Feel free to share this with other directors of programs or organizations for life science researchers whom you would like to invite.
Questions? Call- 732-403-3137
We live and work in an amazing region. Resources for life science discovery, entrepreneurship, and collaboration are growing, and an increasing number of organizations and institutes are making progress.
In order to build rapport among directors of life science associations, academic institutes, government labs, etc, we're inviting you to meet your colleagues from across the many silos of our community.
Supported by a range of organizations and individuals, this modest effort is designed to help groups look for opportunities to partner around our programs for 2016 and beyond.
These may be events, initiatives, publications- whatever format we work in.
Here's the Agenda:
8:30 Registration/coffee
9:30 Each Organization is invited to show 2 slides- 1 with their plans for 2016, 1 with areas where they would like to collaborate.
10:30 More coffee and open conversation to check in with each other and discuss potential follow-up
11:30 Decision on whether to meet again, Adjourn