Agenda           Committee       

Innovations in point-of-care (POC) diagnostic research are poised to revolutionize healthcare domestically and globally. The field is expanding rapidly and is beginning to impact patient care.

Click for Full Recording - Please refer to the Agenda linked above for timing


Keynote Speaker:
Utkan Demirci Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Radiology
Stanford Medicine

Label-free Magnetic Levitation Technologies
for Monitoring Health and Disease

Winston Kuo, DMScPresidentPredicine Holdings, Ltd

Winston Kuo, DMSc
Predicine Holdings, Ltd

Claudia Campbell-MatlandConsultant and Managing MemberCNCM Consulting, LLC

Claudia Campbell-Matland
Consultant and Managing Member
CNCM Consulting, LLC

Tom WhiteScientific AdvisorFoundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND)

Tom White
Scientific Advisor
Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND)

Arjun GanesanCEO,Ancera

Arjun Ganesan

Barbara Smith Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorSchool of Biological and Health Systems EngineeringArizona State University

Barbara Smith Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering
Arizona State University

Matthew Lei Ph.D.CEOQuanDx

Matthew Lei Ph.D.

Paul S. SavutoPresident & CFOBlinded Diagnostics

Paul S. Savuto
President & CFO
Blinded Diagnostics

Peggy Mann
Clinics Quality, Safety, Environment Program Manager & POCC
University of Texas Medical Branch

Salvatore Russello Ph.D.Associate Director, Global Business DevelopmentNew England Biolabs

Salvatore Russello Ph.D.
Associate Director, Global Business Development
New England Biolabs

Ying Pan Ph.D.Research AssociateStanford University School of Medicine

Ying Pan Ph.D.
Research Associate
Stanford University School of Medicine

Umut Atakan Gurkan Ph.D.ASSISTANT PROFESSORCase Western Reserve University

Umut Atakan Gurkan Ph.D.
Case Western Reserve University

Michael GavinPresidentPortaScience

Michael Gavin

Thank you to our partner

Thank you to our partner

This one-day online Symposium will address these issues from multiple perspectives, enhancing cross-silo discussions and knowledge sharing on ways that POC device developers are overcoming hurdles in implementation:

Accelerated growth of cross-disciplinary teams supports the intersection of biomedicine, bioengineering, biophysics, physical and biological chemistry, nanotechnology and physiology, all while leveraging broad applications in detecting, screening and monitoring diseases. Fresh data and solutions are enabling drug development, new discoveries, and advances that are inexpensive yet highly effective.

Full implementation of POC diagnostic devices has frequently been stymied by a number of factors, including the lack of a clear regulatory process, private sector interest, standards and ready means of distribution. As a result, the millions of dollars spent on research and development of these cutting edge devices rarely make it to the field where they are needed the most.