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Program begins at 6:15
Michael N. Liebman, Ph.D.
Managing Director, IPQ Analytics, LLC
Adj Professor Pharmacology and Physiology, Drexel College of Medicine
Adj Professor Drug Discovery, First Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University
Improving Medical Decision Making: In Research and in the Clinic
Translational Medicine, Precision Medicine, and Big Data all promise to improve medical decision-making. Although there have been some notable breakthroughs, the reality remains that regardless of the amount of data generated, the ability to improve healthcare in a systematic, high-quality and cost-effective manner remains elusive.
A significant opportunity exists to incorporate “design thinking” to change this paradigm and impact complex decision-making, both in research and in the clinic. Case studies involving a pediatric rare disease (pARDS) and chronic heart failure will be presented within the context of unmet clinical need and unstated clinical need.
The traditional focus on hypothesis-driven research has started to expand to include large scale data aggregation and mining approaches in an effort to become patient-centric, but is this the optimal path forward?
Dr. Liebman’s research focuses on computational models of disease progression, stressing risk detection, disease process and pathway modeling patient and disease stratification.
Across his career he has served at the front edge of the data revolution: as Global Head of Computational Genomics at Roche Pharmaceuticals, and Director of Bioinformatics and Pharmacogenomics at Wyeth Pharmaceuticals.
Today, he is Chair of the Informatics Program and Chair of Translational Medicine and Therapeutics of the PhRMA Foundation and is a member of their Scientific Advisory Board. In addition, he is an Invited Professor at the Shanghai Center for Bioinformatics Technology.
As a key opinion leader in the field, and serves multiple organizations and journals in key positions: on the Board of Directors of Nathaniel Adamczyk Foundation; on the Advisory Board of the International Society for Translational Medicine; the Editorial Board for the Journal of Translational Medicine, for Clinical and Translational Medicine; and for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics at the International Park for Translational Biomedicine (Shanghai).
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