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Sponsorship Information:

Thank you for considering a Sponsorship. This is an opportunity to meet experts from pharma/biotech, academic, nonprofit and government labs and their teams. We look forward to working with you to support your message. 

Early Bird Deadline is August 1, 2016

Click Here to register as a Sponsor
For Sponsorship questions, please contact:
Diane Sickles,  732-403-3139 dsickles@planetconnect.com

Sponsorship Benefit Levels:

Benefits for All Exhibitors and Sponsors:

-Tabletop Space at Microbiome Update 2016
-Website Presence: 
Logo, URL, and Description (100 words)
-Sponsor Slides during the Program
-Inclusion in Printed Materials

Additional Benefits: 

Gold Sponsor: ($5000)
-Speaking opportunity during the program
-Webinar before or after Microbiome Update 2016
-One follow-up email to participants

Silver Sponsor ($1595, Early Bird Rate $1250):
-Opportunity to Introduce or Moderate an event session
-One follow-up email to participants.

Bronze Exhibitor ($995, Early Bird Rate $795): 
-Benefit for All as listed above

Early Bird Rates Apply through June 1, 2016.
Please note that all speaking opportunities are coordinated with the Planning Committee.

The Agenda is in development, the Call for Abstracts is open, and Speakers will be announced as they are confirmed.
This is a great time to talk with us about your message!