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Sponsorship Information

Thank you for considering Sponsorship of Point-of-Care Diagnostics: Design, Development, & Adoption. This program is made available to attendees at no charge thanks to your support. To acknowledge your generosity, we have developed a range of benefit levels. We are happy to work with you to craft the best approach for your message.

For Sponsorship questions/comments, please contact Diane Sickles:
(732) 403-3139, dsickles@planetconnect.com


Sponsorship Benefits:

Platinum Sponsor - $7500
-Website notice: Logo, URL, and Description (100 words)
-Sponsor slides during program
-Speaking opportunity during program
-An exclusive webinar before or after the program to share your products and services in depth
-Two follow-up emails to participants

Gold Sponsor - $5000
-Website notice: Logo, URL, and Description (100 words)
-Sponsor slides during program
-Speaking opportunity during program
-One follow-up email to participants

Silver Sponsor - $2500
-Website notice: Logo, URL, and Description (100 words)
-Sponsor slides during program
-Opportunity to introduce or moderate an event session
-One follow-up email to participants

Bronze Sponsor - $500
-Website notice: Logo, URL, and Description (100 words)
- Sponsor slides during program 

Please Note: All speaking opportunities are coordinated with the Planning Committee